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The Joy of Metrics

  • March 21, 2024
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Webinar

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Speaker: Dawn Grzena, Indeed Inc & Dr. Bernard Jones, St John's University

For most in business continuity and crisis management, the development and publishing of metrics can be a daunting task. While metrics is a science of statistics, it is also an art. What are the critical metrics best suited for your company culture? What are industry standard metrics that can be leveraged? Are you struggling to define the best operationalized metrics for your program? Spend time with Dawn Grzena and Dr. Bernard Jones as they discuss a best-in-class approach around metric development and publication. They will also discuss how to leverage metrics for program support and other uses for them. By the end of this session you will walk away with key data points your executive leaders are looking for, a plan to develop and implement your metrics and finally a way to wow everyone on how great your program is going. Note: this is a workshop where we will share our best practices and work through some of the standard metrics we can all leverage to share with our leadership. Don’t forget to bring your questions, current metrics in place and ideas on what problems you want to solve with metrics. This is your time to actively work through your metric development and snaz up your reports for your senior leadership.

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